Friday, 22 April 2016


Hello rider!
Rider? Eh? Must be your reaction. But, yes, every individual is a rider. He rides on emotions. Twisting, tossing, drowning and rising, following certain elements of it. Love, hate, sadness and happiness being the stations of this simply complex game called LIFE.

Everything is cool. But do you know where the problem occurs? Misbalancing these emotions.
Human, the so called tagged “smart” creatures always mystify themselves in blending and stirring the amount of emotions. And the human lands in the middle of nowhere.

These so called humans always complain about the volume of sadness, discarding the happy memories. For example: Mandatory power cut for two hours. Unfortunately, being unemployed his only pastime were those social media sites. No wifi you see. He randomly picks up a book and resumes reading. He even enjoys reading. But he’ll always speak about mandatory power cuts snubbing his new passion for reading.

These societal puppets will never stop cribbing over something or the other thing. Habitual of expectations. But ever wondered? What if silly emotions like sadness and hatred never existed? Would you enjoy being the happy creature if that happened? No. Puzzled, eh? Let me explain you why. Today you value happiness just because of sadness. You value love because of hatred.
Today, anyone can buy a trophy and accessorize show-off. But it makes a difference when you have earned that trophy, earned that reward. We easily get bored with the same usual thing. Certainly would be the case with happiness. The things which we get easily are never treasured. We appreciate only things which is gained after struggle. Sadness helps you to admire happiness. Because smile that comes after rushed tears is always valued!

Value! Appreciate! Cherish! With what you have. Everything occurs for a reason. Sometimes you know the reason and sometimes just sometimes you are better off knowing it.